Travel Vaccinations
Planning Your vaccinations
This page explains the process our patients should follow when planning travel abroad. This is important as there are diseases abroad that are more common than at home and they can be serious. Please plan ahead at least three months in advance of departure date to ensure there is time for you to get any treatment in time.
Prior to travelling you can request a copy of your vaccination record from the surgery free of charge to help you plan what additional boosters you might need.
When planning your trip, we recommend that you attend one of the many travel clinics to see what vaccines are advised or if Malaria tablets are needed (these are not available on the NHS). The travel clinics can administer any non NHS vaccines.
The following travel vaccinations are available for free on the NHS:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio boosters (lasts at least 10 years)
Typhoid (lasts 3 years)
Hepatitis A (lasts 1 year unless repeated within a year in which case can confer immunity for 20 years, if repeated after a year can still provide immunity for years but if unsure a booster is advisable)
Cholera (only needed if in high risk area doing high risk work)
If you are advised that you need an NHS vaccine booster you can request an NHS prescription for these at Carryduff Surgery and book into a routine appointment in the treatment room. You need to collect the prescription, collect the vaccine from a Pharmacy, store it in the fridge and bring it to your appointment. Please also bring any printed advice you were given at the travel clinic, to ensure that the correct vaccines are administered.
There can be a supply issue with the vaccines at peak periods so please check it is in stock before making the appointment.
Our local chemist (Newberry’s) may be able to keep your vaccines in their fridge until the day of your appointment.
If your travel plans dictate you need to consider other vaccines (e.g. Hep B, Japanese Encephalitis, Meningococcal, Rabies, Tick borne Encephalitis or Yellow fever) or you need Malaria prevention tablets you may attend a private travel clinic to have these prescribed and administered, as these are not covered by the NHS.
You can still book a normal GP appointment to discuss travel health. It is our policy that we do not prescribe antibiotics ‘just in case’ you fall ill when abroad as we are not indemnified to treat acute issues outside of the UK. If you become unwell abroad you should seek medical advice locally. Please ensure you have appropriate travel health insurance.
Due to the demand on appointments we have decided that travel vaccines are not a reason for an urgent appointment. We cannot take appointments away from sick patients to accommodate late travel plans and if needed urgently you can have these carried out privately at one of the travel clinics.