Patient Data and Confidentiality
Patient Data & Confidentiality Policy
Confidential patient data will be shared within the practice health care team and with other health care professional to whom you are referred for care. Your data may be used by those clinical teams providing your care for the essential purpose of clinical audit.
Confidential patient data may also be required for the broader purposes of public health and audit, research, the provision of health care services, teaching and training. Data disclosure will be kept to a minimum required to serve the purpose and if possible anonymised before disclosure.
Confidential and identifiable patient information will not be disclosed otherwise without explicit consent, unless:
1. It is a matter of life and death or serious harm to you or another individual
2. It is overwhelmingly in the public interest to do so
3. There is a legal obligation to do so
In all of these circumstances the minimum identifiable information that is essential to serve the purpose may be revealed to someone with a legal entitlement to access the data for that purpose.
All individuals with access to your data have a professional and/or contractual duty of confidentiality.
If you are concerned about any of the ways in which your confidential data is used, further information is available from the Practice Manager. You are entitled to register an objection, which will be respected if this is possible.