Carryduff Surgery

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Self Refer for Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy helps people who are experiencing joint pains, muscle pains, sprains and strains.

You can now self-refer for physiotherapy for both the Belfast and South-Eastern Trust areas. You should ensure that you refer yourself the trust that provides services for your home address. your referral will be categorised on the same basis as referrals from GPs and other sources.

There is also some information on  how you can self-manage your injury/condition while you are waiting and also Information about specific body areas.

Belfast Area Physiotherapy Self Referral

Self-referral is available for adults over 16 who need support and advice to manage symptoms related to muscle strains/joint sprains/back and neck pain. This referral option is not available if you require a home-based appointment, are under the care of a consultant for this problem, or if you have neurological / respiratory / continence conditions. If you have Pregnancy related pain please ask your GP/Midwife to direct you to the appropriate service.

South Eastern Trust Physiotherapy Self Referral

Self-referral is available for adults over 16 who need support and advice to manage symptoms related to muscle strains/joint sprains/back and neck pain.

This referral option is not available if you are under the care of a consultant for this problem, or if you have neurological/respiratory/continence conditions. If you have Pregnancy related pain, please ask your GP/Midwife to refer you to the Pelvic Health/ Women’s Health Physiotherapy Service who do not currently accept self-referrals.